Chris Stritmatter Recognized by Flint & Genesee Group 40 Under 40
Chris Stritmatter, Attorney at Simen, Figura & Parker, was recognized by the Flint & Genesee Group as a 40 Under 40 Professional. The 40 honorees were selected from a group of owners, executives, managers, professionals or people with significant influence in the area County who are 39 years of age or less. What they all […]
Recent Changes to Site Condominium Rules
Condominiums – they’re not just for attached townhouses anymore. In fact, if you’ve purchased, or looked at purchasing, a home built in the last decade or so there’s a good chance that it is a condominium. Many traditional subdivisions with detached homes developed in recent years are technically “site condominiums.” While people often think of […]
Patric Parker Admitted to US Supreme Court Bar
Patric Parker was admitted to the bar of the United States Supreme Court on March 3, 2014. As a result, he may now argue cases before our nation’s highest court. The Supreme Court rules state that “An attorney wishing to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States must apply to do so, must […]